Class Requirements

Minimum Length: 16'

Minimum Weight: 1100 lbs.

Engine: Mercury (2.0L) stock - Max Displacement of 122 Cubic In.


Approximate Speed: 90-100 MPH

The SST 120s are renowned as one of the largest and most competitive powerboat racing classes on a global scale. These boats are truly a sight to behold as they launch from the dock in unison, navigate sharp turns with precision, and reach incredible speeds of 80-100+ MPH on the straightaways. It's no surprise that these high-powered vessels and their skilled drivers have garnered a dedicated international fan base. The SST 120, also known as Formula 2, stands as the flagship OPC class in the Powerboat Superleague and plays a significant role in the Formula 1 P.R.O.P. Tour.

A red and yellow boat with the number 1 on it is racing on a lake.
A black and white drawing of three circles on a white background.
"I started boat racing when I was 12 years old, I have family members involved in the sport, and I love it"

Not a real quote - need one

A white circle with a shadow on a white background.